Sunday, February 27, 2011

One fine morning ...

I had a meaningful birthday this year... It's the first time I got a birthday 'harana', did not mind that it cut my beautiful sleep short (they had it at 4am). I got to talk to my very young nephews and nieces and my Bombay is concerned that I could get sad here in Cebu because I don't have my family here. It was cute (sort of... because he is just 5yrs old) that he asked but it did made me think and look back.

I had been working here in Cebu for almost 5 years now... in a bit, I was making decisions on my own. I can't say I welcomed it with open arms (I'm used to having my parents decide for me..) but I had been asking for a chance to live outside our home, a bit far... errr ... farther. I did not exactly know why I want to live separately, I just feel that I have to. Now, going back to Eiram's question about me being sad... yeah, there are 'sad' times but I guess I'll never feel I have lived if I had not been sad, happy, disappointed, etc... it's the 'life' as we know it.

Thank you very much to those people who made my birthday a very extraordinary one. Thank you Migraine... even your snore makes my day. :)