Friday, March 7, 2008

Morning breaks ....

I used to wake up to birds' chirping and branches swaying on my window. I had a big guava tree growing beside my bedroom window in our old house in Tacloban. I would find kingfishers and finches (don't know what type) taking shelter from the rain and from the heat of the sun on the tree. They will fly to and fro and it just warms my heart to see them. I will wake up at 5:30 in the morning and I would lie in bed just to watch them flying in and out of the tree. The house is still quiet at 6:30 A.M., though there are few people now on the street as I look out our sala window. I can smell the morning, still thick and a bit cold.

I need to have my dose of coffee. I would be stretching (still do it) as I walk to the kitchen to fix my coffee. Before I sit on my fave spot, I smell my coffee. Hmm... Just right. Then I sit beside the window overlooking the street. Everything is still calm. Provincial life is lazy and it drags you along with it. But it is something to look forward to when you are used to the hurly-burly of the city. You can really feel your muscles settling, just feel and look at things pass... Savoring the moment. Just like the wisp of smoke coming out of the cup of hot coffee, everything will soon "evaporate" and become the past. Then I ponder what happened last night...Did I had a good conversation with my siblings? Yes, I did and I still have their thoughts on mine... Did I do something good (just for the heck of doing it) last night? Yes, I cleaned my room of dust that had been accumulated for almost a year (when I could ask someone else to do it for me)... Did 'we' had a fight last night? Mmmm... I don't think so. All I know is I am looking forward to seeing you again, look into your eyes again, run my hands on your face again ...

"Set, you should still be in bed", said my mom as she sits beside me, dragging her chair closer. It's ok mom, I miss this that's why I'm up so early. Now, there are two coffeeholics staring out of the window. There are also an exchange of stories about people and events... Miss it too.

Everything's going to be ok. Morning breaks everything and start over again.

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