Sunday, February 14, 2010

Life in a day...

I will be having my nth birthday this month and apparently, that means I am getting older. When this year started, I went into deep introspection of what I had been last year... I am proud to say that I did good last year. I had received blessings and according to my nanay, even hardships are blessings...

As I go home everyday after a hard days work, I make sure that I think of how my day ended. Sure there are times that I will feel crappy at the end of a day of I always look forward to the next as a better one... Always.

I am not much of a principle person. But I believe in 6 things that could make my life a walk in the park, not necessarily an easy walk in the park but something to ponder on while "walking"...

1. Be at peace with myself
this is very very hard... I am telling you based from experience
I have to accept myself, all of it... the smelly feet, the unruly hair, bad teeth, my heavy body and the large chunks of blubber on my belly... hell, I can even hear myself snore.
I have only myself most of the time. If I can accept myself then there is a big possibility that I can accept people and be more tolerating.
To be at peace is also to be HONEST with myself...
In most people, this will be a struggle that could take years before a decision could be made.
We cannot run from ourselves. In one way or another we have to acknowledge that we have problems (attitude problems, relationships..) and face it with humility.

2. Go through even just one day in a week with out spending
this too is very hard... but I make it a point to make Thursday a non-spending day.
This is something I had to do because I am not a thrifty person. I am an impulse buyer, it's like a disease. My disease...

3. Pray before going to sleep at night
I am not a religious person but I always pray at night before I close my eyes. It is my only way of saying my thank yous for everything that has happened during the day.

4. Not let the day pass by without saying I love you to people who matter
You will never know when you'll join HIM. I had to let the people I love know I love them. It does not have to be I LOVE YOU in words, actions will do...

5. Laugh
even if it already feels stupid... even if there are a lot of people... even if it's only you who understood the joke...
laugh until there's tears on your eyes... until you tummy muscles ache

6. Accept that NOT all people are happy that you are YOU
a few people will envy you ... Of what? You might not know... But let it go. It is a good thing that you are NOT taking anybody's humanity... Let things be.
they will hate your guts ... just let them hate you more
it is much better if you don't do anything against them because believe me, there is a thing called KARMA... it is much wiser to let them be

this is not much but it makes me stay focused...

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