Sunday, June 1, 2008

On 8 ...

According to an article in Wikipedia, the word for "eight" in Chinese (Pinyin: bā) sounds similar to the word which means "prosper" or "wealth" ( - short for "发财", Pinyin: fā). In regional dialects the words for "eight" and "fortune" are also similar, eg Cantonese "baat" and "faat".

There is also a resemblance between two digits, "88", and the shuang xi ('double joy'), a popular decorative design composed of two stylized characters 喜 (xi, 'joy', 'happiness')

Positive: Materialism, strength, tenacious, capacity for focused and sustained effort.

Negative: Ruthless, no thought for others, guilt ridden, bad luck.

In Chinese numerology, eight is the number of material success or failure. The number of Karma. Eight has to work hard, and often needs to do the same thing over before success is achieved. The Eight is a strong number, with the will, focus and drive to achieve its goals.Expressing its feelings doesn't come easy to the Eight, and it needs to avoid ill-health brought on by stress. Eight is a fine number, and often misunderstood by others less powerful than itself.
In Greek numerology, the number 8 represents power and sacrifice.


My abuelo told me that eight is an auspicious number since it's a number whose lines don't end, no cuts anywhere to end it. It's almost resembling a cycle, it goes up and it goes down and goes up again. But nonetheless he considers it lucky (it represents power, fortune and prosperity). But let's get real first... Power, fortune and prosperity? Nah! I'm not wishing much... Maybe a little wealth and health will be good enough.

Let's be more personal here .... hehehe

Reaching eight was never easy. There had been a lot of creased edges that had been ironed out, though some of those creases are still there. And I think no matter how hard we iron out those wrinkled edges, they're going to stay there to add flavor to the face of the quilt. The patches on this quilt has different colors, making sure that it serves the purpose of the quilt (which is to provide warmth) and also compliment the personality of the users.

Expressing feelings was not that hard. Though, there was always reserve in the way these feelings were passed through, subdued but present. There's tenacity even on the down low like gold beaten to airy thinness.

Looking back, it has been a crazy journey in making this quilt. It has been eight now. A lot more to go, more colors and more days to make this quilt worth having. We got cut only to be sewn again. It's not just us who made this quilt.
Time helped us. Friends (errrr... and those who are not) did their share too. They deserve the warmest "thank you".

I guess, nous avons la chance en effet. Eight opens up the gate to nine and ten and so on and so forth. I'll hang on to this quilt now since I do not know what will happen in the future. One thing is sure, this quilt will warm my heart for years and years transcending eight.

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